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0.1. Background to the study

After having repeatedly watched the Housemaid, which is a Tanzanian film. I felt the need to analyze the different conflicts and the themes in it. The study clarify the different problems that the characters undergo. It shows how a father and his son courted their house girl and this brought conflict in their family. It discusses how the father had sexual intercourse with two girl friends of his son, Harris.

Many students have conducted many studies on an analysis of conflicts and thematic in the works of art, such as novel, films, short stories, etc. But none of them has worked on the movie under study in the present paper.

0.2. Problem statement

The present paper intends to study the different conflicts in the movie Housemaid .There are many conflicts  that the main character Harris and his two lovers undergo due to Harris’s parents  disapproval of their love. These conflicts need to be well analyzed for readers as well as viewers of the movie to be understood easily. The study also intends to study the main and the sub- themes of the movie for a clear understanding of the message that it conveys.

0.3. Research questions

The present study intends to answer the following questions

1) Why do some characters undergo a series of conflicts in House maid? How do they solve their conflicts?

2) What are different themes developed in the movie?

0.4. Hypotheses

The following are the provisional answers to the above-mentioned questions:

  • Harris and his father are not open to each other concerning their love relationship and those two ladies do not know what happened between them. Because of lack of the communication, the characters experience a lot of misunderstanding and are repeatedly in conflict. They solve their conflict through forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • There are several themes developed in this movie, such as love which is the main theme and adultery, mistreatment, etc. Which are the sub-themes.

0.5. Objective

The present study aims at identifying and analyzing all the different conflicts or struggles that are found among characters in the movie and discussing the different themes that are conveyed in the movie   

0.6. Research methodology

To carry out this paper, different approaches were used namely the interpretive approach, thematic approach, intrinsic approach, extrinsic approach and textual approach. The interpretive approach helped me to analyze the movie connotatively and denotatively and explain the narrative in my own words. Thematic approach helped me to interpret the fictional work so as to find out its main ideas transmitted through it. The intrinsic approach was concerned with quotations drawn from the movie to sustain certain points. The Extrinsic approach was concerned with quotations from external sources related to this topic to back up some arguments and the textual approach consisted in watching the movie several times.

0.7. Significance of the study

 It is my hope that the present study is of great importance as it allows readers, especially students, to be aware of the conflicts in the movie and to be acquainted with its different themes. The reader will also be able to understand the impact that conflicts have someone’s daily life. People can make a kind of relationship between what happens in the movie and human experience. In addition to this, this study also paves the way for future researchers who may work on other literary aspects in the same movie.

0.8. Scope of the study

This paper will not deal with all the aspects of the movie because the movie has a great number of aspects that cannot be described at the same time. It will only deal with the conflict analysis and thematic study.

0.9. Ethical considerations

I conducted this research with respect to norms of academic writings. It is the result of my own effort. Some parts of the relevant works that I conducted are quoted or paraphrased in this dissertation. They are also well indicated in the bibliography of the present paper. Therefore, there is no plagiarism in this paper.

0.10. Subdivision of the study

The paper comprises three chapters apart from the general introduction, general conclusion and bibliography. The first chapter reviews the relevant literature on conflict analysis and thematic study. The second chapter analyzes the different conflicts in the movie and the third chapter studies the different themes in the movie.

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