Arrow Table de matières


  1. Books.

A lison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. 2006. The Norton Introduction to Literature, www.Nortoncompany....

Chris Baldick. 2001. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, Oxford University press.

Jennifer Mc Clinton-Temple. 2011. Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature, facts on File.

Joseph Okpaku. 1970. New African Literature and the arts 2, Canada, USA.

Pringles David. 1987. 1 who’s who of modern fictional characters, London Grafton.

  1. Web sites.

  • Web pages.


Neria is the story about the protagonist, Neria, has 35  years old woman living in the Harare suburb of women parks. When the movie begins, she is happily married to Patrick and has two children, Mavis, aged 13 and Shingirayi, aged 7. Both children are in school and seem to be happily taken care of by their parents. The family has just bought or finished building a new home and owns a modest car. Neria works at a women’s crocheting cooperative where, in a good month, she earns as much as her husband. Neria and Patrick are painting their new home, a project which Neria contribute to both financially and physically.

Patrick and Neria have been living in the city since their marriage, though they go to the village to visit their relatives. The bottom-line is that Neria’s family in modern, happy and secure.  Reach of the happiness seems to come from the fact that Neria and her husband understand each other so well. While Neria has a shared understanding with her husband Patrick, she has basic differences with her mother-in-law, Ambuya. The bone of contention seems to be that Neria is a modern woman and Ambuya a traditional woman. Ambuya does not understand their urban lifestyle and wonders why Neria insists on working instead of staying home like “a good wife”. Ambuya resents Patrick’s closeness to his wife, which she thinks is too much. Neria respects Ambuya’s ideas and does her best to place her in happiness. The happiness and security in Neria’s life is however painfully destroyed by fate.

As Patrick is returning home one evening, he is hit by a car and killed. Neria is devastated. Her brother-in-law, Phineas, steps in to help. Neria and her children go to her husband’s rural home for the funeral.

After a month in the village, she realizes that she must go back to the city. Not only have the children missed school, but she has missed work. She needs to go back to the city to continue their life. In the meantime, Phineas is helping himself to Neria and Patrick’s things. He takes possession of cash and their pest office savings, bank joint account; bank card, the car; virtually all their furniture and eventually takes over her home. It is not clear why Patrick is doing this, except out of greed and sheen insensitivity to a widow and her orphan.

Because of widowhood and Patrick’s Property grabbing, Neria struggles to make ends meet.

She pleads with Phineas for money from their saving to help her family, but she is ignored every time. It is obvious that Phineas is misusing her traditional role as the protection of his brother’s family. Neria’s best friend comes and advises her to go to a lawyer, but Neria is reluctant as she does not want to offend her husband’s family.

One day Neria comes home from work to find locks on her house changed and her children gone. She knows that Phineas has taken them and goes after them. She arrives in the village to find her daughter very ill and in need of hospital care. Ambuya is a way at her sister’s village and only Phineas is around to help her. She pleads with him to take them in her late husband’s car to the hospital but he is not willing. In desperation, Neria caries Neria to the bus stop and manages to get her to the hospital on time. Neria decides that things have reached a point where she must fight back. She decides to take Connie’s advice and sack loyal help. After learning the back round of the steps she must fallow, with the help of her brother Jethro, Neria goes through the necessary loyal channels at the community court level and her eldest child is appointed their heir. Phineas is ordered to return the prosperity. Phineas is outraged by the turn of events as he feels he is naturally entailed to his brother’s property. He takes the matter to the high court for a trial claiming which brings to high Phineas exploitative, greedy and insensitive nature. Neria will remain the guardian of the heir. Through his process, Ambuya realizes that Phineas has all along been twisting tradition to understand, through witnessing Neria’s victory over patriarchal exploitation, that at time, tradition must give way to changing.

The script of “Neria”

The film begins with Shangirayi, playing with his ball while his parents are painting the house. Shangirayi beats the ball on the window   :

Patrick :

Shingi, you must be careful. Now you help your mother clean it up.

Shingi :

Sorry dad.

Patrick :

I must go now.

Shingi :


Patrick :

To finish my table.

Shingi :

Can I came   ?

Patrick :

I’ll bring you a sweet.

Patrick, addressing Neria his wife : Albert had never told me he had made you a building and now a pointer.

( Neria accompanies her husband to the fence gate and their daughter Mavis comes quickly from inside the house).

Mavis :

Mammy, can I start now   ?

Neria :

Have you done your home work   ?

Mavis :

Yes, I have.

Neria :

Correctly   ?

Mavis :

Yes, mom.

Neria :

Ok, you can start.

Mavis :

Oh, thanks mom.

Patrick :

Start what   ?

Neria :

Cooking a special meal for a new table.

( They both laugh ).

Patrick :

(Showing his wife how his mother is dozing in the chair)   : tell her I’ve gone !)

( Patrick goes to work and Neria goes to continue her painting work while at work, painting Connie comes and begins talking to Neria from outside the fence).

Connie :

Neria, don’t you ever get tired   ? It is going to look beautiful when you finish  !

Neria :

I hope so, but it cats me a lot  !

Connie :

How do you do it   ? After work, I’m steered; I just want to sleep, and the dreams

I have …

Before Connie finishes speaking, Ambuya, Neria’s mother-in-law calls.


Ma Mavis.

Connie :

The queen is calling  ! Tomorrow you take her back home.


Ma Mavis oh !

Neria :

I’m coming maman ye. (And she rushes towards her).

Ambuya :

I’m  so cold ! Where is the son of mine   ?

Neria :

It has gone to his office. He didn’t want to wake you maman ye.

Ambuya :  I wasn’t shaping. I was just resting   !

Ah  ! Help me stand up  !

( Neria takes her by the armpit and help her stand up. Ambuya takes the direction of the house and Neria comes behind her with the chair. Ambuya begins speaking to herself).

Ambuya :

She can’t even let him say good bye to his own mother  !

Neria :

What did you say, Ambuya   ?

Ambuya :

Eeeh  ! Nothing. You know, we dying ones, always sleeping or talking to ourselves.

(Neria puts the chair in front of house and Ambuya sits down, shouting).

Ambuya :

Aii we  !

Neria :

( Afraid)   : What is it, maman ye   ?

Ambuya :

My back  ! So stiff  !

(Neria wants to going but her mother-in-low calls her).

Ambuya :

And now, ma Mavis, my stomach is complaining. I can do a cup of tees.

( In the her, Phineas, Patrick’s young brother is taking been and watching singers

but he wants to disturb the persons who are singing one comes stop him disturbing them but Phineas wants to fight).

Phineas :

Do you know who I am   ?

( Neria’s brother, Jethro, interviews ).

Jethro :

What do you want   ?

Phineas :

Nothing. I just came to see you.

Jethro :

Come on, Phineas  ! you never want nothing; speak  !

Phineas :

If you insist, you may take me to your sisters. I have some provision from the store.

Jethro :

Ok, well. I’m finishing back then come.

Phineas :

You mean, you can’t even spare a minute with your family  !

Jethro :

Come on, Phineas. Just one more song and then I go on break. I’m serious. Just hanger out.

Phineas :

Ok, (Phineas returns to his place and Jethro continues singing).

( At home, Neria joins her daughter Mavis in the kitchen and opens the casserole to see what this one is cooking).

Neria :

Uuuh, looks nice  ! Meat every day   ? Expensive  !

(Mavis brings a box of spice waiting to put some in the food but Neria doesn’t

like it).

Neria :

Uh  ! uh  ! a han, ok use it. At least I’m not getting tired complaining.

Mavis :

(she laughs, putting her finger on her mother’s molten so that she can’t comment).

Neria :

You laugh ! You will see where you grow up. When there is not enough food in the house. It is even the father’s thought   ?

Mavis :

Eeeh, no  !

Never :

It is always mothers. (Neria turns her back and goes in the living room, laughing. Mean while, a car arrives and Mavis abandons everything and runs outside).

Mavis :

Eeeh; it’s uncle Jethro.

( In front of the car ).

Mavis :

Hello uncle Jethro; good evening Phineas.

Neria :

( Ashing Phineas about the boxes they bring in the car ).

Phineas :

Supplies for the store. Give her a hand please (Phineas orders Jethro).

Shingi :

Uncle, uncle; I heard your new song on the radio. (Shingi begins singing and his uncle helps him).

Phineas :

( Giving a box to Shingi)  : Shingi, grab this box.

Jethro :

Shingi, if you pass this year, I will buy you some shoes.

Shingi :

I don’t want shoes. I want to sing with you.

Jethro :

Yeah, tomorrow I have gig, I have to wait Dombo; sure  !

Shingi and Mavis : Yeah, that is good. (All of them get in and find Ambuya sitting alone in the living room).

Phineas :

( Talking to Neria)  : With any own transport.

Jethro :

Hello Ambuya. (He puts the boxes down and sits near Ambuya). How are you Ambuya   ?

Ambuya :

As well as an old women can be under these conditions !

Jethro :

What else can a mother ask for when her son sends her wonderful wear to put. ( Patrick arrives at him work; Jethro and Neria join him on the door to welcome him. He comes with a table).

Patrick :

There he comes  !

Jethro :

Eh, Patrick  ! Hard works; nice work !

Neria  : Oooh, It is so beautiful.

( Phineas doesn’t move from his seat where he is taking beer with his legs on the table). Patrick caries the table in the house and Neria pulls chairs around it.

Neria :

(Touching the new table)  : You put much love into this, Patrick.

Patrick :

Is this possible   ?

Neria :

( Colling Ambuya)   : Maman ye, come and take a seat.


Don’t you know that I cannot sit eating on those high places.

( Mavis brings him grandmother food ).


(He now stands up and goes to sit on the new table. He does the contrary of all other persons who congratulate Patrick for the table) : Aaah, that table is too small. How can the whole family sit on such a small table ? (And he immediately sits down a though Patrick and Neria are still arranging the table).

Patrick :

We will manage, uncle.

Ambuya :

(Addressing her grand-daughter who brings food on the new for her parents and uncle)  : Uurih, Mavis Sukuru, you cook like this   ? One day you will be able to get a husband as good as your father.

( At night, Neria begins praying before she sleeps ).

Neria :

Dear lord, help me in this. I know …. is infest to get home. It is very difficult when she is here. For her and for me. I’m sure that she is watching my every move. Oh Lord, give me the wisdom to know how to keep her happy.

Ambuya :

( When Neria is praying in her bedroom, she is poling the some in hers) : Amen. The prayer finishes and she immediately begins speaking about Neria  : She is just not doing her duty, she is not doing her work. I will show him, I’m going to fix her. (Parley morning, everybody is still skipping, Ambuya wakes up and goes to sweep the ground. Neria hears the broom’s noise from her bed room, and looks

through the window. She understands that her mother-in-low is doing this because her son is at home).

(Morning, Work time, everybody goes to their business. Neria arrives at the women’s crocheting-cooperative where she works).

Francisca :  (One of the women)  : Hello Neria.

Neria : Hello.

Francisca :  How is your mother in low   ?

Neria : She is fine. We are taking her back home today. Francisca :  oh  ! so soon  ! You mustn’t talk like that.

Neria : It is always difficult when she comes. She just doesn’t understand citizen life.

Anyway, a visit home would be nice. Francisca :  I just don’t understand.

( Neria takes a box and goes back home. At home, she finds Patrick, their children and Jimmy, a mechanic, repairing the car for the trip).

Jimmy :            Patrick, Patrick; I want you to try your car now. Give it a try.

Patrick :           Thanks jimmy; It’s a success.

Phineas : ( Coming in front of inside the house) : Everyone’s ready. Except Neria of course  !

Ambuya :  (Sitting in front of the house) : how can she be late the day we are going home.

( Neria arrives, her daughter runs to help her ).

Neria : Sorry, I’m late. I was doing shopping for the trip.

Ambuya :  Can we go now   ?

Neria :

Just give me two minutes.

( In the car ).

Phineas :

So, what do you say about it, Patrick.

Patrick :

Neria and I have already talked it over.

Phineas :

Aah  Neria  ! You just cannot make up your mind without calling that name of Neria   ? if she objects, she can say it right here.

Patrick :

That is not the point, Mukoma.

Phineas :

Patrick, Patrick.

Patrick :

you know, a bull costs a lot of money.

Ambuya :  (Talking to Phineas)  : Just leave it out.

Phineas : I just wanted to see if she likes the ideas, that’s all.

( At the village, Phineas shows his brother cows ).

Phineas : (pointing one cow)  : This one here. That’s the one I bought when you sent money

last year.

Patrick :           Ahan, she looks good  !

Phineas :  So   ?

Patrick :

What   ?

Phineas :

How about it, Patrick   ?

Patrick :

What   ?

Phineas :

Buy us the bull and we will have milk to be drinking  !

Patrick :

You know, I’d like to help but we have spent so much money on the house.

Phineas :

Yeah, I know.

Patrick :

Any way; I’ll talk to Neria.

Phineas :

look man, she is your wife, our Wife  !This paddock here, I point for her. Since when do you ask your wife permission for anything  ?

Patrick :

Neria also learns money. Sometimes more than I do. There is a new world out there and you refused to see it !

Phineas :

What I know, It’s your own suffers, your own suffers.

Patrick :

What do you means ?

Phineas :

Didn’t you see Neria this morning ?

Patrick :

What ?

Phineas :

Sleeping ! Sleeping while your mother was busy sweeping yet. Is this the new world you are talking about ?

Patrick :

no, she can’t do that !

Phineas :

I’m telling you the truth. Ever since you moved to town, she controls you.

Patrick :

Phineas, you are talking no sense (And he goes away but Phineas stops him).



Patrick :

What ?


look; I sometimes ask myself why this boy never comes home where he belongs. Look Patrick; please, don’t be tray us.

Patrick :

No, no !

Phineas :

Come on. Let’s go and enjoy Jethro’s show. I don’t often have the pleasure of a car. (They go laughing).

(In the show, they meet other friend and sit on the some table with them).

Phineas :

Patrick, let us buy something, or you need Neria’s permission, to buy beer.

( Phineas begin ordering immediately) : waitress, beer for everyone please and two over there (ordering for girls meet there).

One of the friends : Keneth could be here.

Patrick : Where is Keneth  ? Usually, he never misses Jethro’s shows   ? The friend :  Didn’t you hear  ?

Phineas :          What ?

The friend :  Phineas, didn’t I tell you  ?

Patrick :

No, What ?

Phineas :

He died ! He died a couple of months now.

Patrick :

What happened  ?

Phineas :

No one really knows.

Friend :

He had heart attack, Phineas. The doctors confirmed that !

Phineas :

Come one, fit man ! Look, there is a fishy story there. You know, the last time we were together, he told us he had just written a will. After a while we know he is dead.

Friend 1 :

He probably know that he didn’t have long to live; so, he wrote a will  : What is wrong with that ?

Phineas :

I don’t think it’s that simple !

Patrick :

Phineas, what do you mean  ?

Phineas :

You don’t understand ? He must have told his that he had just written a will !

Patrick :

So; Why do you think she could kill him ?

Phineas :

For money, of course ! The money !

Patrick :

But he earns money to take care of the family ! If he is dead, there will be no more money coming.

Phineas :

Patrick, I’m beginning to get worried about you  ! You put too much faith in there women ! I suppose, when you and Neria got married, you wrote a will !

Patrick :

No  ! ! ! We don’t have a will. But, that’s a good idea !

(Patrick stands up in anger and goes to talk to girls sitting nearby. Patrick continues discussing with their friends and taking beer).

Patrick He is still young, you know  !

Friend 2 : Yeah ; very young  !

( Patrick comes back to the table ).

Phineas :

Come on, guys  ! Let forget about these awkward stories and celebrate ! (Mean while, a girl comes to ask him for a dance, she confuses him with a friend of hers).

Girl :

Charly  ! Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were Charly.

Phineas :

(He looks dazed) :  That’s strange  ! You know, you look like a friend of mine too.

How about a dance please   ? (And he immediately Patrick and the friends are astonished. They laugh).

(At night is sitting round the fire with her grand children and Patrick is in the car with his young brother Phineas, going back home).

Shingi :

Ambuya, please, tell us one more story; please  !

Mavis :

yes, Ambuya, please, tell us one more.

Ambuya :

Alright, alright, alright  !

Once upon a time, there was a poor man and poor women. The man was called Charly Mukaranga.

( Mean while, Patrick is telling his drunk busthen the some story in the car ).

Ambuya :

( The story continues)  : Charly decided to go to town to look for work and learn money to send home. But he could not find the job. But, when Charly was away, his wife worked hard, grooving crops as she was young and without child, and Charly was away. She soon found out that she had more food that she could even give the while village food to eat. So, she sold some at the market.

Patrick :

( Telling the story)  : With her money from …, she bought goats, chickens, almost everything.

Phineas :

Why are you telling me all this, Patrick.

Patrick :

Phineas, there’s a point to every story.

Phineas :

get to it, Patrick, get to it.

(At home, Ambuya with her grand children).

Shingi :

Did she buy any cattle   ?

Ambuya :  Yes, she bought severally caws too. So, when Charly came back from the city, he found that he was riches than when he left.

Patrick : (In the car)  : Charly sat down and found his newly found riches which he earned without even waking. It is wife has worked for it.

( Phineas continues taking her beer although he is already too drunk ).

Ambuya :  So, he decided to get a second wife. Bo disappointed was the first wife that she started to cry and begin to sing this song “Jarimo Karanga”. Wives are not respected always they can bring much good fortune.

They are to be treated well or you can always be poor.

Patrick : (In the car)  : I’m not anything big, but whatever I am ; Neria. Neria has made me

what I am ! never cress Neria. If you do, I want be your brother.


Patrick, since when does one loose brothers, except in death.

( Patrick and his young brother begin singing in the car; Ambuya and her grand Children are home, singing as well. Phineas and they join the atmosphere).

( In the morning, Neria and Maria, Patrick wife, at the water stream ).

Neria :

Why don’t you just come sometimes when Phineas comes.

Maria :

Are you forking  ? Phineas, Phineas might be going any time. He keeps me here. He has got his other women in town.

Neria :

Why don’t you come at home.

Maria :

At home ? He found out then he threw me out   ? Then where would I go ?

( Neria slips and the calabash falls from her and it’s broken ).

(At home, Patrick is sitting outside and Ambuya, his mother comes to sit near him).

Ambuya :

In town, you are always so busy. Though Ma Mavis, she can’t keep a good house hold in the city.

Patrick :

It’s difficult sometimes.

Ambuya :

Why can’t you just come home   ? And live here   ?

Patrick :

( He laughs)  : Aehehehe  ! we can’t Amoye  !we have built a life there. A home,

work, friends, …we are happy  !

Ambuya :  Hum ; this generation of yours  ! You just can’t be satisfied with living a simple

life! I just now just understand  !

Patrick :

Don’t worry Amoye, sometimes I don’t understand it too.

( Patrick begins remembering when they were sitting on a rock with Neria, not married yet; still friends).

Neria :

When I’m here with you, it’s like we never lived.

Patrick :

It’s a special place, darling.  Our hearts will always be here.

( Patrick goes to visit the star with Phineas ).

Patrick :

It is almost empty !

Phineas :

Not an more !

Patrick :

Phineas, aren’t we making a dead horse ?

Phineas :

You are talking about the shop that prayed Neria’s bride price  ?

It’s hard to make a profit where a hungry family eats up all the store.

( At night, Neria and Patrick in their bedroom, sitting on the bed, Patrick is reading a book. Neria touches in her case and brings their wedding photo).

Neria :

Patrick, look. I had forgotten this was in hers. I will take it home.

Patrick :

(Touching Neria’s shoulders a learning her on his chest)  : You something ? I’m a lucky man  ! How many mew have a women who works so hard and still look so beautiful ? If we have enough after we finish pointing, lets buy that bull for Phineas.  It would please my mother.

Neria :

Why not ? If it stops Amaye blessing me for everything !


You understand everything.

( They smile. They both are happy, then they sleep ).

(The following day, in the morning, they go back to the city. Already home, Patrick wants to go work but car has a problem. It can’t move. So, he is obliged to take a bicycle).

Patrick :

(To Neria)  : I’ll send Jimmy to look at the car. If I’m delayed, tell him to go right ahead. I’ll pass to the shop and pick up the glass.

Neria :

Will you manage with the bicycle ?

( Patrick goes and Neria takes her way to the women’s crocheting cooperative. He meets her friend Connie on their way).

Neria :

(To Connie) :  You are right. Patrick’s mother was so happy to see me standing all time doing house work. For Phineas, making demands as usual. (They see a big snake in front of them ; they shout and run back from where they are from).

Connie :

Shadow  !

Neria :

I hate snakes.

Connie :

What’s the nature of that   ?

Neria :

I don’t know  !

Connie :  When one of those crosses you path, something terrible is going to happen.

Neria :

Avoid those Nories ! (Connie stays dazed).

Neria :

Connie, what is wrong  ?

Connie :


( At work ).

Connie :

( Fails to work)  : It terrifies me  !

Francisca :  Look at you  ! You are a strange woman sitting on your own  !

How can you take this sofestition so seriously ?

( Neria sees white persons outside ).

Neria : Look, diplomats ! (Neria joins them outside with a pullover in her hands).

Diplomat : (Touching a cloth spread out a rope, outside)  : Look, this is what I was just looking for !  How much is it ?

Neria : Eight dollars. I will give a discount if you buy this also (Showing her the pullover). You can buy them both for one hundred and thirty dollars.

Diplomate : But, it is so cheap ! Oh, this is wonderful! I’ll take them both, okey ? (She gives money to Neria and says)  : But I’m going to have a look around.

(Neria gets inside the office with money in her hands).

Therida :          Eh Neria, what a luck this morning ?

Neria : (Rushing towards Connie laughing)  : It looks like the Amate brought me muck ! Connie, I can pay all the depts. Of my building materials !

(Some children playing outside beat the ball on the office window and all the women are scared).


( She stands up quickly)  : Eeeh ! I don’t want to see any of you here  !

( Neria at hers, waiting for her husband. She has already made the table but her husband can’t come. She hears somebody outside and thinks that it’s Patrick, so, she goes outside quickly but she finds not home. It’s the mechanic, Jimmy who comes to repair the car).

Jimmy :

Hello ma Mavis. How are you ?

Neria :


Jimmy :

Rhum ! So ?

Neria :

Patrick should be here. He is very hate !

Jimmy :

Well !

Neria :

He sayed, you should have started with the car.

Jimmy :

Anyway, That’s just the reason why I am here !

( Neria goes back in the house and Jimmy goes towards the car ).

Jimmy :

(Calling Neria). Mama … (Neria comes outside).

Jimmy :

It was just a small problem.

( Neria doesn’t answer. She goes towards the gate and sees Connie on the rood.

When Connie sees her, she runs back and Neria runs after her shouting).

Neria :

Connie, what’s wrong  ?

(Jimmy sends the children to bring hem water and soap so that he can wash his hands. The place where Neria and Connie were running to, they find Patrick short dead, heat by a car. The bereavement begins in Patrick’s house. Ambuya and Patrick’s relatives arrive from the village).

Ambuya :

( At the fence gate)  : I won’t go in.  I didn’t ever want to come here. A witch lives here. A witch ! One of Neria’s friends goes outside to take Neria mother-in-low by the hand but she refuses. Ambuya sits down not wanting to arrive in the house. Other persons come to help her in. When they are in the living room morning Patrick, Phineas is already in his brother’s bedroom, steals all Neria’s money and takes his brother’s clothes. Then all of the persons go to the village for the burial.

Phineas :

( Talking to his brother Joël)  : So, how long can you stay ?

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