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Millions of African endures deficiency in iron, in zinc or anemia. In low age, during the childhood and during adolescence, this deficiency hinders the physical growth and the staying, the mental development, as well as capacities of training. Bean takes an important place in the food regime in Democratic Republic of Congo, especially in regions of the East. Varieties improved of bean containing an elevated content in micronutrients can contribute to reduce the defaulting in iron and zinc in the region of the South-Kivu where the daily consumption of bean is raised. Some techniques of built-in management of the soil fertility would prove to be efficient in the improvement of the content in micronutrients of certain varieties of bean said "biofortify ". 

            It is in this setting that it was question for our work to verify the effect of the chalky amendment, of the mineral and organic fertilization on the output and content in micronutrients (iron and zinc) of three varieties of bean (Cod MLB001, More 88022, RWR 10). The experimental device was a split plot with in the big parcels or secondary treatments, fertilizer (T1 = witness; T2 =10 tons of manure to the hectare; T3 = 2 tons of lime; T4 = 150 kg of NPK 17-17-17 and T5 =T2+T3+T4) and in the small parcels or main treatments, varieties. 

            It was revealed that the limestone's application didn't have any effect on the output of our varieties. However it was determining in the improvement of the content in zinc. Manure was very efficient in the increase of output and it thanks to its very good quality; it had the same effects that the mineral fertilizer. The variety RWR 10 made the proof of it with a growth of nearly 100% of output with the organic matter against 56% with the NPK. The dung didn't have a meaningful effect on the other hand on the content in micronutrients the content in iron increased appreciably with applications of NPK. 

            Of all ways, the best results have been gotten with the combination of fertilizers. The 2 tons of combined limes to the dose of 150 Kg of NPK 17-17-17 have tendency to accentuate the effect positive of 10 tons of manure. The variety More 88022 could not have expressed all its potential; it was susceptible to certain interference attacks. Results of test of the regression showed that the increase of output can drag the one of the content in iron and the growth of this last driven automatically the content in zinc. 

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