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Use of the work wood in the city of Bukavu and its deforestation bound level due to the production of the work wood in the territory of Kalehe
Authors : Blaise ZAGABE, Dieudonné BAHATI and Espoir BASENGERE
Africa contributes to the climatic warming up by the cut of trees to provide to the needs increased due to the demographic explosion, of which appears the demand made of wood of work that is one of the main reasons of the deterioration of the forests. The South-Kivu doesn't make exception to this within sight of these immense forest resources and the global context of management of them in Democratic Republic of Congo.
This work aimed at quantifying the consumption of work wood in the city of Bukavu and the evalution of the rhythm of the deforestation bound to the production of the work wood in the territory of Kalehe. To reach these aims a questionnaire has been distributed to the dealers of work wood of this city and another to the producers of wood of Kalehe in order to collect the relative information to their activities. The choice of these studies has been dictated by the importance of production, the demand of the city made, wood of work from the territory of Kalehe and the activity of the markets wood work of the city of Bukavu. The evaluation (in m3) of quantities sold work wood has been calculated according to the measurements of different types of work wood; in the same way, the deforested surface has been estimated in function of middle diameter of summits of trees, while calculating the ravaged surface multiplied by the number of cuts per month.
The gotten results showed that the market of Kimbangu provides (241m3) per month. This one is followed by the market of the industrial one with (233,5m3). Then comes in third position the market of Beach Muhanzi with (145,76m3). Finally we end with the one of ONL (Cimpunda) which provides (135,7m3) per month. An extent of (130 m2) every month is discovered on average by only one individual in Kalehe. However, Kalonge records a strong deforestation with (164,59m2) by individual per month, followed by Bitale (116,7m2) and Mbinga Sud which comes finally with (108,61 m2).
Buchai (Lebunia bushai) is the tree (wood) which is more exploited, Libuyu (Antrandrophragma angolose) is the second species to be more exploited, the species that follows that of Cikenzi, comes in fourth Muhurizi position (Cyprès sp) and the last one in fifth position is the Eucalyptus.
At the end of this work, we recommend to the researchers to identify among the local gases, the species to fast growth for reforestation, also to make a survey of species to prevent its disappearance in nature.
Key words: wood of work, deforestation, forest, trees, gases,
Contacts: 847125874, 0893850172
Email: [email protected]

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