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I am very grateful to ass. Faustin OMBENI KAHARAMBA for his enthusiastic sacrifice to supervise this research paper,  

despite many difficulties through this work. May god bless him.                                                         My thanks are also addressed to our director general Benjamin HAMULI and other authorities who have undertaken the projet of establishing this Institut  superieur pedagogique de kabare( ISP/ KABARE).                                                                                                                    Indeed, my thanks are addressed to the staff of the teachers training college of KABARE, specially to the staff of the English department for having provided me with knowledge that makes me useful to the society.          My gratitude is also addressed to all the families and relatives who have provided me piece of advice and encouragement to the achievement of this resear paper, particularly of my parents: Muderhwa Leonard, my father and Grace NDAMUSO M’NKUNGIRI, the mother. In addition, my gratefulness to OMBENI Bonjomfalm and his wife Olive MWINJA, all the staff of teachers with whom we teach at KASHUSHA high school. It would be ungratefulness if i did not thank my classmates and friends with whom I struggled through University studies. Among them, I can cite: Nicolas, Claude wagon, Philemon, odax, Adolph, Murhula, etc.                                                                                                                                  I finally remain thankful to any relative, friends whose names are not cited here but who contributed to the achievement of my undergraduate studies, may God bless them.

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